Oh no. He's back. Back to ruin the Elden Ring DLC one boss at a time. Not gonna lie, this video was a lot of fun to make.
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Background Music:
GCV 2005(Neco Arc) - Melty Blood Actress Again
A Woman - Persona 5
Come Along - Pokemon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl
Mischevious Step - Blue Archive
Time to Make History - Persona 4
Salty Moon - Honkai Star Rail
Battle! Team Aqua/Magma - Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire
King, Queen, Slave - Persona 5
Awakening of Catastrophe - Melty Blood Type Lumina
Price - Persona 5
Reach Out to the Truth - Persona 4
Disquiet - Persona 5
The Purr-Fect Blend - Blue Archive
Kokiri Forest - Ocarana of Time
Franky's Theme - One Piece
Occult Phenomenon Research Club - Jujutsu Kaisen
Stardust Crusaders - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Operation Dotabaya - Blue Archive
Break it Down - Persona 5
Metadata Soup:
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