Thank you for watching.
This time, we went out to fish pecking.
After a while, as we were heading to the point, a school of bottlenose dolphins suddenly appeared and approached us!
They were kind of friendly today, so we went to the point after a dolphin swim ....
Once again, we were able to meet a wide variety of creatures and even get some prey at the point, so we had a very meaningful time.
After all, the highlight of the trip was getting our hands on a monster squid that weighed over 4 kilos.
During the catching process, the squid spat out a lot of black ink, which turned the sea black for a while.
Let's be grateful for the blessings of nature and enjoy the taste of these precious ingredients.
In this channel, I mainly introduce the world of the sea that I experienced while living on the island, from my own point of view.
It's up to nature to decide what you'll encounter!
If you like, subscribe to the channel and let's travel through the natural world together!
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