Uncertain about what to buy? Check out THE ULTIMATE FPV SHOPPING LIST: https://www.fpvknowitall.com/ultimate-fpv-shopping-list
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00:00:00 - FPV on an RC crawler is AMAZING
00:02:42 - I'm using the DJI v2 goggle and Vista / Runcam Link vTX
Trying to decide which FPV system is best for you?
If you are following along with my tutorial, get the DJI v2 goggles (you may need to find them used or refurbished). Then get Runcam Link Phoenix, Wasp, Falcon, or Night Eagle at:
* GetFPV - https://bit.ly/3NJW9FQ
* NewBeeDrone - https://bit.ly/3RAPorj
* Rotor Riot - https://bit.ly/3GWfDUa
* Banggood - https://bit.ly/3tIVQ7s
* Amazon - https://amzn.to/3GVE305
00:04:55 - The 3d printed "sled" that will hold the vTX and camera
Here's the video where I remixed this sled: https://youtu.be/E7Wd-bvmIFQ
Download the remixed mount 3mf file, as well as the original designs, at: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/p2m8n241sattgtlf2heyt/h?rlkey=3zpomvyaduq63evqh3engvctn&dl=0
Original source files are in the folder including attribution of the creators.
00:05:55 - Mount the vTX in the sled
Here are some sources of the "original" Vista antenna with the mounting bracket, if your Vista / Link didn't come with it:
* Amazon - https://amzn.to/3NL9wFT
* Caddx - https://bit.ly/47g8KHR
00:09:28 - Install the fan
This is the exact fan that I bought: https://bit.ly/3tycG95
You can buy any 30x30x10mm fan that takes 5v. Here is an Amazon link if you prefer: https://amzn.to/3NGMKyQ
The regulator I'm using is: https://amzn.to/3tCNtuf
Buy Alien Tape at: https://amzn.to/3tFBFr1
00:13:43 - The pod is finished. Let's power it up!
00:14:20 - Bind the goggles to the vTX
00:15:45 - DJI goggles options setup
How to do 1200 mW hack
How to do the FCC Unlock
00:17:16 - Modifying the car to power the vTX
00:22:07 - Where to next?
My original review of the Radiomaster MT12 radio
Adding PRO features to the MT12
Making the Radiomaster MT12 Even Better!