I decided to spend 7 days playing Pressure, starting from scratch as a complete beginner. This has been the most challenging video to put together that I've ever made, and that's not even the bait-description Youtubers do where they put some vague promise about something crazy happening in the video to get you to watch, this was genuinely very tough to record/script/edit. There's a lot I wish I did better but, it is what it is.
#7days #Challenge #pressure
Big thanks to whomever runs the Pressure "Urbanshade" wiki, it helped a ton with the making of this video. Apologies if I made any mistakes when referring to items/monsters/game mechanics, feel free to correct me in the comments 🤓👆. Also this video was all recorded/scripted before the 4.5 update was released, which is why no sea-bunny and other stuff.
Most music is from Epidemic sound.
Some music from the Pressure soundtrack.
Some music from Qumu: @qumumusic Complete playlist:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1RBHAw7LqgHAdtT6o826xC3Sj2F5MNrc
Some music from the Omori soundtrack.
Shoutout Pandemonium, shoutout Doors, shoutout 24 Hour Challenges, Shoutout Sebastian, Shoutout Keywords!
0:00 Intro
0:39 Day 1
7:03 Day 2
14:45 Day 3
17:48 Day 4
30:57 Day 5
49:44 Day 6
53:44 Day 7
1:03:08 Final Stats