I have been in personal size for over a year already! I love using this planner because it just works for me and my needs.
This is my planner setup in June 2022 while I'm using a filofax Metropol cover with 23mm rings.
I wanted to record this, because I feel an itch to make some changes. I will continue with personal rings, but probably make some small tweaks here and there to make my system even better and easier to use.
Time stamps:
00:00 Intro
00:50 Cover
01:56 New dividers
04:34 Rounded corners
05:31 Front pockets
06:43 Pen
07:42 Worrydump
09:25 Daily section
10:33 Weekly section
11:31 Six color sections
16:29 Back pocket
17:03 Why sharing changes my systems
17:47 Conclusion
18:40 Outro
Links mentioned:
[91] I love using it! | Personal rings planner setup update January 2022
FromChaosToCalm: Weekly Setup/March 7-13 |A6 Rings
Monthly spending confession -playlist
How I plan & journal -playlist
[42] Filofax Metropol Personal Organiser | My first-ever personal ring planner
Related playlist:
Personal rings -playlist
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