What Happens When Rushed Accounts are in a 1v5 Clash of Clans War? Judo Sloth Gaming brings another 1v5 episode but takes some Rushed Accounts along for the journey. The is a good balance in my rushed and non rushed accounts as well as Town Hall levels to ensure with have a varied episode. I had a lot of fun creating this one so I hope you enjoy watching it too. Clash On!
Suggested Videos:
The 1v5 Clan War: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywabq-jP01E
First War in Over 3 Years: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86wAM2fGI7Q
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#ClashOfClans #CoC #ClashOfClansAttacks
Video Chapters:
0:00 My Rushed Accounts and Setting the War
2:06 My Rushed Defenses
3:09 Attack 1 - QC LavaLoon
6:24 Attack 2 - DragBat
8:32 Attack 3 - 12 x Lightning Spells
11:36 Setting the Lvl.1 Troops to Attack
13:32 Attack 4 - Lvl.1 Judo Sloth
16:38 Base 1 Thoughts and Base 2 Clean Up
17:47 New Double Blizzard Strategy - Worlds First!
► Judo Sloth Gaming is a mobile gaming channel focused on Clash of Clans. You will see a variety of videos focused on being Educational but Entertaining! You will find Informational Guides on Everything in CoC. Attack Strategies, 3 Star Attacks, Farming or Upgrade Advice, Lets Play and Update News - you'll want to Subscribe to see it all. Clash On!