Head over to Costco and pickup some Scott’s Max - https://www.costco.com/scotts-max-lawn-food-ca%2c-14%2c000-sq.-ft..product.4000238340.html
I came across 2 houses right next to each other that were CRAZY overgrown. They were obviously vacant as they were falling apart so I talked to the lawn guy right across the street taking care of a neighbors yard. He told me they’ve been out of control for a really long time and that the neighbors in the area would really appreciate them being cleaned up. So, I got to work with my Maruyama equipment cleaning up all of the edges and sidewalks. This makes the sidewalks usable again and increases the drainage for the entire area. After that, I got my Bad Boy Mower out and cut down the really tall grass for a nice, clean finish.
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▶ See my Maruyama edger, trimmer, and blower - https://sbmowing.com/shop
▶ See my Bad Boy Mower - https://badboycountry.com/sb-mowing
▶ Checkout the handle on my shovel the "Reach Right" - https://reachrightusa.com/sbmowing/
▶ See my Muck Boots - https://www.muckbootcompany.com/spencer-b/
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