Zee & Knarfy tried Minecraft's worst mods with 1-STAR ratings... but how bad could they actually be? They must find a way to leave a 5-STAR review!
- PigJousting by DeflatedPickle
- Really Long Pickaxe by CommandGeek
- Illegal Building Techniques by EightSidedSquare
- Hole Filler by DannyBoyThomas
- Scrolling Textures by EwanHowell
- MCObj by TOM5454
- NoCubes by Cadiboo
- Weird Features by McMakistein
Download: https://mcmakistein.com/creations/weird_features
Creator: https://youtube.com/McMakistein
Discord: http://discord.gg/syszee
Twitter: http://twitter.com/systemzee
Instagram: http://instagram.com/syszee
Thank you for tuning in and watching! If you enjoyed this video, you would probably enjoy "I Made Villagers Build Their Own Village" ... or even "Transforming Pillagers Into Apocalyptic Beasts" ... or maybe "I Coded Your Ideas In Minecraft"