GO HERE FOR LOGOS AND INTROS - https://gonnagoforit.com/
ADAM'S CHANNEL HERE - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClIjeUAl4jrlzPDT4F4paAA/shorts/shorts
So the 3 of us decided we needed another day out flying the drones, so we headed for Savernake forest, this is such a lovely place to be. Adam had his FPV, Mikey had his DJI NEO, and I had my DJI FLIP and my DJI NEO.
This was a fun time together, a bit of father and sons bonding time, all was going well until I was let loose with Mikey's NEO, I did not realise that the FIND MY DRONE would not work whilst using FPV, unless it is hooked up to a mobile device with the DJI APP installed. You can then access the APP and go to the FIND MY DRONE and indeed you can then find your drone.
It took 2 hours to find his drone, and it was only 60 metres from where we were.