Olaf visits the Cremona Violin Making School.
It's just amazing how the over 450 year history of violinmaking is brought back to life in this amazing school.
He talks to students, teachers and finds out what it takes to get into the school
Be fully informed when you buy your next instrument. Get Olaf's free 7 essentials when buying an instrument report here: https://olafgrawertviolinstudio.com/7-essentials/
00:00 Introduction
00:17 Trying to get into the school
01:39 I get in and look around
02:01 Talking to one of the Students
04:34 I talk about the school and how to get in
06:15 I talk to Maestro Sperzaga
08:35 Conclusion
#myviolinmaker, #olafgrawertviolin #violin
Website: https://www.olafgrawertviolinstudio.com
Social: https://www.facebook.com/olafgrawertviolinstudio/