GOOD DAY, traveler! For about 6 months now, I've had this dress stuck in my head and it's had an absolute chokehold on me. It's from the game "Plague Tale: Requiem", and aside from glorious ratnadoes, it also boasts some seriously whimsical NPC's. This lady in particular is a florist? I think? ANYWHO, since I was craving some sewing (weird I know), I figured this would be the perfect dress to spend a couple days making! Or at least... it started out as a dress, hehe.
I frankenstein'd some patterns together, assumed my floor troll position, got drooled on by my cat, chatted about landscaping and the Sims for way too long, and generally had a grand ol' time.
Please enjoy!
00:00 Intro
01:11 The Video Game
03:30 The Dress
07:48 Unnecessary Thrift Store Purchases
08:38 Making the Bodice
09:32 Skirt Time bay-bee
16:03 Sleeves!
18:42 Thread Spool things
19:26 Apron
22:28 The Reveal
23:00 Wrap-Up & Bloopz
TikTok: @rachelmaksy