WHAT A ROUND. Most emotions were felt today on the course. I'm not sure why I didn't quite feel prepared to just keep the birdie streak going but I'm at peace with it. Looking at the event as a whole, I am definitely pretty happy with my performance. Big improvement over last year and if the putts keep dropping like this, it's going to be a fun season!
Thanks for watching everyone! Please leave a 👍 if you enjoyed todays video and hit that subscribe button if you haven’t yet. It’s free and helps me out a ton!!
Submit a shot of the day here - lizottediscgolf@gmail.com
Want to use the same discs I do? - https://mvpproshop.com/collections/simon-lizotte-shop
You can use the promo code “SIMON15” at https://www.tritaniumstore.com/ if you’re interested in the compression sleeves I use!
Follow me on Instagram - @Simon_Lizotte
Big thanks to Dustin for helping out! Give him a follow for some more cinematic disc golf content!