इब्राहीम अधम सुल्तान की कथा | Ibrahim ibn Adham (Ibrahim Balkhi) की कथा | Supreme Knowledge
इब्राहीम सुल्तान
The Birth Story of Sultan Ibrahim Ibn Adham
Ibrahim Ibn Adham Sultan [इब्राहीम सुल्तान] was born from a Faquir named Adham Shah who married the princess, daughter of the King of Balkh. This was the divine spectacle of Almighty Kabir to liberate his dear devotee soul Nausher Khan. God says in his nectar speech
Taking Sultan in Refuge
Nausher Khan in the next birth became a King of Balkh in Iraq. His capital was in that city. The name of the King was Sultan Ibrahim Ibn Adham [इब्राहीम सुल्तान]. He was constantly getting human births with the worship he had done in the human birth of Samman and he continued to be the King in return for the donations and virtues he performed. His biggest donation was three kilograms of wheat flour which he gave by sacrificing his son due to which he became a rich King. It all happened by the grace of Almighty Kabir. He had 18 lakh horses and a huge treasure. He used to wear precious shoes that had 2.5 lakh diamonds attached to them. He had 16 thousand females and was leading a lavish life. He used to hunt and slaughter many animals.
One day a great Saint arrived in one devotee’s house near the palace of the King for spiritual discourse. [इब्राहीम सुल्तान] Sultan Ibrahim Ibn Adham heard that discourse sitting on his terrace overnight and got highly inspired to worship. In the morning, Ibrahim Ibn Adham [इब्राहीम सुल्तान] told his soldiers that he wants to meet some renowned saint. A famous fake preacher was brought to King and Abraham started worshipping according to the method told by that fake saint. The saint used to pretend as if he is above all vices and materialistic pleasures but in reality; was greedy and a deceiver. Abraham used to wear a precious ring. He was highly influenced by that fake Baba. That greedy Baba got prepared a duplicate ring exactly similar to the ring of the King with the help of the same jeweler. One day the greedy Baba went to meet the King and expressed his desire for boating with the King. All arrangements were done and both went for boating. Amid the river; Baba asked Adham Sultan to show his precious ring and tactfully exchanged it with the duplicate ring. Ibrahim Ibn Adham offered that precious ring to fake Baba to which he denied saying, ‘these precious ornaments are useless for Faquir and then he threw it in the river. The King became sure that the ascetic is truly far from materialistic things. He is a great saint.
After some time, one of the reliable men of the King revealed the secret of the ring, the Baba was exposed to his fraud. The ring was found buried in Baba’s hut. The King was hurt by Baba’s fraud and lost all faith in saints. He imprisoned Baba. Then he called all sages, saints of his empire, and inquired if they had found ‘Khuda’ then let him also help meet Allah but no one had the answer. One saint asked the King [इब्राहीम सुल्तान] to arrange a glass of milk. The same was done. Then that saint told, ‘King the milk does not have clarified butter (ghee) in it. The King inquired how is Ghee obtained from the milk?. The saint told the procedure. First, the milk is converted to curd then it is churned and then ghee is obtained’. With this example, the saint explained to King that there is a proper method to attain God which is possible only in human birth. Acquire a guru and do true worship. But the King did not accept and annoyed with saints he imprisoned all. They used to grind mills inside the prison. All those devouts were God-loving souls but by not getting a true spiritual leader were doing arbitrary worship. God is merciful and He helps his dear souls by disguising himself as an enlightened saint, preaches them true spiritual knowledge so that they may worship and attain salvation.
Read Full Article: https://www.jagatgururampalji.org/en/muslim-devotees/sultan-ibrahim-ibn-adham-salvation-story/
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