#klfoodie #iccpudu #malaysia #美食 #马来西亚 #malaysiafood #nasilemak
ICC Pudu, 美食天堂, 有两百多家摊位,各式各样的马来西亚美食!而且价钱公道,你有口福啦!吉隆坡必打卡美食!
ICC Pudu, the food heaven. There are more than 200 food stalls, selling varieties of delicious Malaysian foods! And they are priced reasonably, so come visit if you are in KL!
Jalan Kijang,
Pudu, 55100 KL
Opening hours 营业时间: 6am to 3pm
Closed on monday, 星期一关闭
Follow me on IG: Nick_catman
人到中年,才开始我的油管频道, 请多多指教!
Started my Youtube journey at 40yo, do support, thanks!