From Berlin to Munich by ICE in just 3 hours and 51 minutes - sounds impressive, doesn't it? But is the expensive journey really worth it? The train was extremely full, the on-board restaurant only offered frozen meals at a premium price, and despite the high speed, there were many slow sections of track due to a lack of upgrades. Nevertheless, the train was only 4 minutes late. There was only one stop on the way - in Nuremberg. But is that enough when Flixtrain travels to Stuttgart for €3.99? My honest assessment of the journey and whether the ICE premium prices are worth it.
#icetrain , #GermanRail, #BerlinMunich, #TrainTravel, #RailJourney, #DiningCar, #DB, #Flixtrain, #HighSpeedTrain, #TravelReview, #TrainComparison, #RailTravel, #TrainRide, #EuropeTrainTravel, #HighSpeedRail, #TGV, #Eurostar, #Railjet, #Nightjet, #Interrail, #RailwayComparison, #TrainTripsEurope, #Railway, #PassengerTrain, #HighSpeedTrainsEurope, #TrainTravelEurope, #TravelByTrain, #TrainExperiences, #TrainTest, #LongDistanceTrain, #TrainComfort
00:00-02:13 berlin central staion
02:14-05:11 trainride
05:12-06:10 board restaurant
06:13-11:59 trainride
12.00-12:10 Nuremberg stop
12:11-13:55 trainride arrival munich