Listen to insights from Dr. Jonnie Penn, our Academic Director, along with input from our academic center team and a student regarding the MSt AI Ethics and Society offered at the Institute of Continuing Education. Additionally, Kate Lintern, Student Enrolment Coordinator, will guide you through Funding and Support.
Learn more about applying for a Master of Studies here:
If you have any questions, contact our student enrolment team at
00:00 Introduction
04:28 The MSt in AI Ethics and Society: Overview
05:41: Key dates and Information
08:55 Benefits of the MSt AI Ethics and Society
13:44 Programme and Structure
15:56 Assessment information
16:30 Time commitment
17:24 Tutors overview
17:55 Students
19:26 Application Process and Requirements
23:27 Meet the students
27:10 Funding and Support
30:38 Q&A
#cambridgeICE #onlinecourses #cambridgeuniversity #continuingeducation #universityofcambridge #lifelonglearning #studyatcambridge #cambridgeexperience #parttimestudy #adulteducation
The information featured is accurate at the time of publication (30.11.23)