Fun & Interesting

Iconic Got7 moments you've seen a million times but should still watch again

IGot7 Inspirits 480,521 6 years ago
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Twitter: Instagram: Although there are a ton of "got7 moments I think about a lot" videos, I wanted to make one that combined as many iconic got7 moments as possible. I'll definitely be making at least one more of these (because their iconic moments are impossible to compile into only ONE video) but the ones here are the ones I see as THE MOST iconic IMO. #Got7 ~~~| FAQ |~~~ INTRO MUSIC? Got7- Teenager EDITING SOFTWARE? Vegas Movie Studio WHO ARE MY ULTS / BIAS GROUPS? I mean, I could just tell you, but I DID take the time to make a whole video about it, so I'd rather just give you this link lol (plus it's also on my profile):
