There is an identity issue that is pervasive in Torahism (Hebrew Roots, Torah-keeping, Torah-observant Christianity). In what sense are we grafted into Israel? Are we no longer Gentiles? Are we now Israelites? In this video we examine a dangerous identity theology called Two-House Theology (as taught by Mr. Jim Staley) and methodically dismantle it, piece by piece, in a fair, respectful, and truthful way, demonstrating exactly how and why it is unbiblical.
Identity Crisis" teaching by Jim Staley
Podcast: Historical context of the early Church (Part 1)
(Discussing racial relations in the early church)
Galatians Bible Study (Part 4: Gal. 3:15-4:7)
00:00 Irenaeus - Analogy of False Teachers
02:07 Introduction - Torahism, Hebrew Roots, and Jim Staley
05:17 What is Two-House Theology?
08:59 Testing a claim: House of Israel
10:32 Overview of Mr. Staley’s theology
12:31 Examining the claim: 10 Lost Tribes of Israel
17:14 What does the Bible say about the Lost Tribes?
21:06 Pentecost disproves Two-House Theology
24:34 Redefining Definitions
25:20 Who are the “Jews”? Defining the word
32:12 Who are the Gentiles?
32:41 Mr. Staley’s definition of the Gentiles
36:35 Examining Mr. Staley’s theology of the Gentiles
38:56 Defining the word “Gentiles”
41:56 What is an “Israelite Gentile”?
44:21 Recasting the Jew / Gentile distinction
46:52 The storyline of Jesus
47:06 Redefining why Jesus came
50:06 The Bridegroom and the Bride
51:58 What was Jesus resurrected?
54:14 Don’t go amongst the nations?
55:32 Jesus the Bridegroom?
56:43 Jesus broke the curse
59:13 Paul went to the Gentiles
1:00:20 Who are we? Our identity in Christ
1:02:30 New Covenant with House of Israel and Judah
1:03:00 Sidebar: House of Gentiles
1:03:47 Jeremiah’s prophecy
1:05:04 No longer Gentiles?
1:08:30 The three biggest dangers of Two-House Theology
1:09:52 Supersessionism (Replacement Theology)
1:11:02 The false burden of the Law
1:13:23 The danger of Torah-keeping