How to Learn Power BI | Power BI Learning Roadmap for Beginners
If I had to relearn Power BI from scratch in 2025, this is exactly how I’d do it! In this video, I share my experience on why learning data modelling in Power BI is the first step to success (and why skipping it causes big problems later).
I also explain why you should focus on insights over fancy design and dashboards. Plus, I’m sharing a simple CRAP design framework (Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, Proximity) that you can use in your dashboards to help end users get the most out of your Power BI reports.
I also talk about the importance of understanding user needs instead of just focusing on Power BI features. If you are a beginner with data analysis and thinking of Power BI as a career or searching for a Power BI roadmap this video is for you.
===== ONLINE COURSES =====
✔️ Master 'M' in Power Query -
✔️ Mastering DAX in Power BI -
✔️ Power Query Course-
✔️ Master Excel Step-by-Step-
✔️ Business Intelligence Dashboards-
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===== WHO AM I? =====
A lot of people think that my name is Goodly, it's NOT ;)
My name is Chandeep. Goodly is my full-time venture where I share what I learn about Excel and Power BI.
Please browse around, you'll find a ton of interesting videos that I have created :) Cheers!