If No-Till is So Great, Why Isn't Everyone Doing it?
Why would someone not choose no-till? That's today's video.
Laser weeder from Carbon Robotics: https://carbonrobotics.com
Regenerative Organic Certification: https://regenorganic.org
Conferences where you will find me 2023/2024:
ACRES Eco Ag in KY: http://acresusa.com/
GIDSummit in Dallas: https://digsummit.org
Utah Food & Farming: https://www.utahfarmconference.org
OAK in KY: https://www.oak-ky.org
Organic Growers School in NC: https://www.organicgrowersschool.org
5% off Neptune's Harvest Fish Fertilizers and More (offer Code: NOTILL) 👀: https://store.turbify.com/cgi-bin/clink?yhst-20803342241356+tt4W2F+shop.html+NOTILL
JADAM books: https://amzn.to/3slMez0
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