풀영상)허리통증, 세수, 머리감을때, 허리숙일때 아프다면
Hello, I am PT Jae-Seok, a physical therapist
Wash your face today, wash your hair, and back pain when you're sleeping !!
This is a story about low back pain in life
Let's find out the causes and exercise properly.
Hi back pain ~
★ Go to watch other useful videos
Prostate hypertrophy movement (experience movement) https://youtu.be/3qyl0oYMlmg
Rotator Cuff Strengthening Exercise https://youtu.be/YFWxji9yGss
Exercise to weaken back pain 10 times https://youtu.be/WEYXGjP4tpA
Treatment of plantar fasciitis? Solve the Pain in the Foot https://youtu.be/Z7phaq4mqb8
Rotator Cuff Burst This exercise is enough https://youtu.be/NxNqBz9zRNo
#Waist pain #Huristist #Hurist Letching