🟢 *GET MY BOOK,* "Re-Regulated": https://bit.ly/4dRI8Sj
*TAKE THE QUIZ: *Signs Early Trauma Is Affecting You Now*: http://bit.ly/3GhE65z
TRY MY FREE COURSE: *The Daily Practice*: http://bit.ly/3X1BrE0
VISIT MY WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/3CxgkRY
A lot of people write to me asking how to help a partner who is affected by trauma from their childhood -- or how to handle their partner's triggered reactions that are hurtful, irrational blaming and threatening them. CPTSD symptoms, when they're not very well controlled, can ruin relationships and traumatize the other person -- even if they came to the relationship without a history of trauma. People with CPTSD *can* be good partners if they work on it, and the love and steadiness of a person who loves them *can* be powerfully healing. If you're the partner of a person who was abused or neglected as a child, here are common symptoms you may recognize, with tips on what to do to assist your partner and to minimize damage when their symptoms arise.
I've got lots of info and links for you below. But first, PLEASE READ:
I am not a therapist or physician. My videos are for educational purposes only. Information provided on this channel is not intended to be a substitute for in-person professional medical advice. It is not intended to replace the services of a therapist, physician, or other qualified professional, nor does it constitute a therapist-client physician or quasi-physician relationship. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please call a local emergency telephone number or go to the nearest emergency room immediately.
*NEED ONLINE THERAPY?* BetterHelp can connect you with a licensed, online therapist: https://betterhelp.com/CCF
🟢 *Letters: Want to submit a question for me to answer in a video?* Keep it short, not too explicit, relevant for this audience. http://bit.ly/3VVxqjm
🟢 *Become a Member!* Access ALL my courses, webinars, group coaching & online community http://bit.ly/3Zfx9dN
🟢 Take My Online Course: *Healing Childhood PTSD* http://bit.ly/3k6gQQH
🟢 *Change Trauma-Driven Dating Patterns* Online course: Dating & Relationships for People with CPTSD http://bit.ly/3IBbrv7
🟢 *Learn to Heal Dysregulation* Online course: Dysregulation Bootcamp http://bit.ly/3ZpjGAh
🟢 *Heal Isolation and Build Better Relationships* Online course: Connection Bootcamp http://bit.ly/3iuUEPz
🟢 *Coaching Programs & LIVE Calls with Anna*
🔹 Real Love Coaching Program: Apply Now: https://bit.ly/3Qjdozs
🔹 8-Week Coaching Intensive for Help Healing Trauma Symptoms: https://bit.ly/3wjVVjg
🔹 Join LIVE Webinars with Me: https://bit.ly/3ifhJ8U
🟢 *Struggling with Food and Weight? Take the Quiz to Find Out if Carb Sensitivity is a Factor (this helped me lose 27 pounds recently): https://ble.life/V9fe9O
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