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When you think of cultural beliefs, how often have you found yourself questioning where these beliefs stem from? My guest today explores the notion of cultural lies that are at the root of our suffering as a society and as individuals. Clinical psychologist, Dr. Shefali shares some of her most profound insights from her latest book, A Radical Awakening. Witness her working through some ideas with me in real time around the culture being the villain versus owning your internal life and consciousness. Dive into some of the deeper ideas Dr Shefali presents starting with recognizing our destructive animal nature.
Order Dr. Shefali’s book, A Radical Awakening:
0:00 | Introduction to Dr. Shefali
2:16 | Layers of Radical Awakening
3:29 | Our Animal Nature & Biological Wiring
8:06 | Our Destructive Nature to Justify
9:42 | Learn To Be Interconnected in Consciousness
13:50 | Chasing Dominance & Delusional Cravings
16:13 | Insecurities & Endless Consumerism
18:51 | Women Not Fitting The Beauty Standard
22:19 | Learning to Accept Yourself
25:32 | Dr. Shefali Explains the Toxic Patriarchy
33:20 | Women Buffering Against the Patriarchal System
36:36 | The Effects of Unconsciousness of Culture
39:57 | Who is Culture? What Toxicity Are You Buying?
41:35 | Navigating the Toxic Beliefs From Culture
44:05 | Dr. Shefali on Cultivating Your Own Voice
47:51 | Awakening to The Marriage Contract
52:07 | The Lie of Monogamy in Culture
53:28 | Our Insecurity That Drives Domination
54:51 | Realizing Self Worth and Self Acceptance
“we are out of touch and out of sync with our bodies with how our biology influences us, and because of that, we misunderstand ourselves” [4:49]
“our minds have deluded us to believe we are so superior, that we have decimated everything around us now, so we'll be the only one standing and eventually we will corrupt ourselves, we are on that path of self destruction” [6:07]
“We've entered a great narcissism as a species, as a humanity, that we are just limitless. There's no stop button.” [11:32]
“It's a constant craving, constant insecurity. The fact that we can, doesn't mean we necessarily should.” [16:13]
“when we women succumb to cultural standards based on what culture imposes on us, and we defy our own natural bodies, and we go and mutate our own natural bodies to become that cultural standard, now, we are falling into the patriarchy, and actually genuflecting, actually serving the patriarchy by falling prey to it.” [20:06]
“We are constantly seeking to make everything fit this paradigm of beautiful. And actually that makes us more insecure.” [22:30]
“At the end of the day, self acceptance is your greatest sword. That is what is going to make you the most desirable to yourself and to others. Do not fall for standards of beauty.” [24:00]
“The fact that we have to fight it says that there's something to fight, and there's a system in place that we constantly have to buffer ourselves against “ [34:47]
“It is our inner that is represented on the outside on a global scale” [40:26]
“The scourge of humanity and mental illness is our deep void, our insecurity which is causing us to want to go to Mars and colonize it and go to every corner of the earth and dominate, similarly with our partners. Dominate their every part, every thought, every desire, it comes because we are not whole from within.” [53:40]