大家有沒有試過成日急小便要去洗手間呢?或者有滲尿的情況呢?今天我會跟大家探討一下膀胱過度活躍. 當男性或者是女性到五十歲之後, 原來有30%的男性和40%的女性是會有膀胱過度活躍. 什麼叫膀胱過度活躍? 就是膀胱太敏感就會讓我們可能有一些滲尿和時常急尿想去洗手間, 當然也有不同的原因會影響膀胱活躍, 可能男性的前列腺發大了或者是女性有些婦科的疾病也會影響膀胱甚至是我有病人的腰椎嚴重狹窄影響馬尾神經線,他們都會經常性急尿整天會上廁所....
Have you ever experienced a constant urge to urinate? Or have you experienced urinary leakage? Today, I will discuss on overactive bladder,
When men or women reach the age of fifty or older approximately 30% of men and 40% of women experience an overactive bladder . What does overactive bladder mean? It means that the bladder is too sensitive, which can lead to slight urinary leakage. And always have an urgent need to urinate.There are many reasons that can affect bladder overactive. Can be due to an enlarged prostate in men. In women, certain gynecological conditions can also affect the bladder. Even in some patients with severe lumbar spinal stenosis, it can affect the cauda equina nerve and causing frequent urination....
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Medical Center: www.excelmedicalgroup.com
MRI scanning: www.accurate-mri.com
Dr Matty Wong website: www.drmattywong.com
Collagen Supplement: www.drdisc.co
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#BodyPerformance - Phsyical Trainer Onna
Disclaimer: The content and information provided on this video is for reference only and does not replace medical assessment or professional treatment. Please consult registered chiropractor or registered medical doctor for inquiry