I'M A Flight Attendant in a tropical paradise, in the Maldives! From stunning beach views to exotic island getaways, I'm giving you a sneak peek into the perks of my job. Get ready for a dose of wanderlust as I share my favourite destinations, must-try foods, and tips for making the most of your next island vacation. Whether you're a travel enthusiast or just looking for a virtual escape, this video is for you!
Whats In This Video?
0:00 Intro
4:05 Beach Time
5:36 Lunch
5:42 More Beach
6:09 Water Sports
7:24 More Beach Time
8:01 Getting Ready For Dinner
11:38 Maldives Sunset
12:08 Dinner
12:44 Packing
15:39 Ending
4 DAYS In The MALDIVES!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geCdiqV5d6E&list=PLJB9hLkY47uTmAI8iqDRWcRMKBgS1LseS&ab_channel=RyanAspinall
Ready to see more of my life as a Flight Attendant? Click this link here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Njh-AE6BeP4list=PLJB9hLkY47uRZznwp8c6F7vQ8Fhs4it1q&ab_channel=RyanAspinall
Ready To Be Hired by your Dream Airline? Click this link to watch more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHG9he6IVHclist=PLJB9hLkY47uTVMN6OSskSK62_LGteoQ9g&ab_channel=RyanAspinall
Hello Friends! My name is Ryan Aspinall. I'm an Irish based flight attendant who's travelling the world, visiting Disney many times over and teaching you tips, tricks and travel secrets along the way! Hit that subscribe button and come fly with RyRy.
None of the views or opinions expressed in this video are shared by the company I work for.
Subscribe to my channel for more: youtube.com/channel/UCEyfJsZrCImSLJbXvFFv6yw?sub_confirmation=1
Follow me on Instagram: instagram.com/ryaj_asp/?hl=en-gb