One death to UUE shaper slam, visual clarity sometimes is an issue, you can play manual Frost Shield and tank all of that if you want I am pretty sure.
And again I forgot to resummon harbinger after logging out after Sirus...
MB makes you fast enough that you don't even spot it.
I also played all the ubers with 99% suppress but I fixed that in PoB.
Wand enchant is annoying when you get +1 curse limit buff, you have to unspec Whispers of Doom or unsocket FF jewel depends what version you play and it reduces your damage by a ton aswell.
It is annoying but what can you do....
Check notes in PoB, this is endgame variant with MB and Svalinn, I included 2 variants of the build, there is many more combinations you could make with or without svalinn but this is most well rounded it can be I think.
00:00 Start
00:33 Uber Maven
04:23 Uber Sirus
08:15 Uber Uber Elder + Maven Witness
13:03 Uber Exarch
15:48 Uber Shaper
21:22 Uber Cortex
24:45 Uber Eater
26:26 Chayula
28:40 Uber Atziri
32:40 Feared