We sat down to learn about a novel treatment to help improve egg quality in IVF patients. Dr. Zaher Merhi, MD, FACOG, HCLD is a Reproductive Endocrinologist and Medical Director at Rejuvinating Fertility Center in New York City.
Dr. Merhi walks us through what ovarian rejuvination is, how it works to improve egg quality in women doing IVF, how ovarian rejuvination is done, and how long the effects of the treatment last.
In women that have had poor egg quality in previous IVF cycles, ovarian rejuvination, can improve egg quality and the number of genetically normal embryos someone can get from a subsequent IVF cycle.
If you've heard of PRP injections that people do to improve injuries, this is the same type of treatment except the PRP is injected into the ovaries!
PRP stands for platelet rich plasma. The PRP is actually from your own blood!
Your blood is drawn, processed, and then the PRP is injected into the tissue being treated. In this case, the ovaries.
Dr. Merhi answers:
What is ovarian rejuvination?
How is ovarian rejuvination done?
Does ovarian rejuvination work?
How does ovarian rejuvination improve egg quality?
How long does ovarian rejuvination last?
0:00 Intro
0:15 What is ovarian rejuvination?
1:13 Does ovarian rejuvination work?
2:33 Who can benefit from doing ovarian rejuvination?
4:37 Ovarian rejuvination as an alternative to donor eggs
5:49 How long does ovarian rejuvination last?
6:40 How does ovarian rejuvination improve egg quality?
9:59 How is ovarian rejuvination done?
10:46 FertilitySpace follower question for Dr. Merhi
Follower question for Dr. Merhi:
Does he have patients that are treated [by ovarian rejuvination] in their 20s for low [egg] reserves? How have they responded to the treatment [ovarian rejuvination]?
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Learn more about IVF:
HOW LONG is the IVF PROCESS is and what happens?
👩💻 READ https://fertilityspace.io/blog/a-guide-to-the-ivf-process-timeline
👩💻 READ https://fertilityspace.io/blog/ivf-success-rates-by-age-in-2022-united-states-data
👀 WATCH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z04YXmBVHVI&t=189s
👩💻 READ https://fertilityspace.io/blog/donor-egg-ivf-success-rates-in-2022
👀 WATCH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LT0NKcxLXi0&t=33s
Connect with Dr. Merhi:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/dr_merhi/
Website: https://www.rejuvenatingfertility.com/
FertilitySpace Profile: https://fertilityspace.io/clinics/rejuvinating-fertility-center
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