Improving Air Consumption - Don't Stress Air Consumption!
Learn how to worry less about your current air consumption, and learn some concrete ways to reduce your scuba air use.
Air Consumption Calculation. Visit here for easy, step-by-step instructions to calculate your air consumption for tracking and comparison:
Chapter outline
00:07 Intro
00:34 How to calculate scuba air consumption
00:59 Reframe & reduce your stress (about air consumption)
01:42 How & When I made peace with my scuba air consumption
02:40 Cardio vs. Other factors
03:40 Entry & exit drama
04:56 Skip breathing in scuba diving
06:46 Ways to reduce scuba air consumption
06:55 Be lazy while diving
07:30 Relax mind & body - Increase in-water diving comfort1
08:34 Ways to Improve scuba buoyancy
10:20 Using lungs vs. BC
12:30 Finning efficiency while diving
13:46 Choosing the right scuba fins for your style
15:13 Increasing in-water diving comfort2
15:40 Using the scuba environment wisely
16:40 Dive planning to avoid exertion
17:32 Summary & conclusion
Thumbnail note:
Although the turtle pic is prolific on the net, including as a meme, I’m told the origin of this photo is Alex Kydd. I've reached out to him for permission if it is his photo, and will change the thumbnail photo if need be.
Safe diving!
Big Dog, DDT
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improve air consumption,air consumption scuba,air consumption,breathing tips for scuba diving,discovery divers tokyo,how to improve breathing for scuba divers,scuba diving tips for breathing,breathing tips for scuba divers,skip breathing,scuba breathing,scuba diving breathing techniques,scuba breathing techniques,How to breathe while scuba diving,breathing rhythm scuba diving,reduce,Relaxation,Scuba diving,Reduce stress,breathing techniques,Scuba sac rate