Explorer and scientist Elstead embarks on an extraordinary mission - to become the first person to descend five miles beneath the ocean's surface in a specially constructed steel sphere. Despite his companions' skepticism, he believes in the success of his bold experiment. However, what he discovers in the dark depths will surpass his wildest imagination and forever change our understanding of the underwater world. In this classic tale, H.G. Wells combines adventure with science fiction, taking readers on a fascinating journey to places where no human has ever ventured before.
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*Created by:*
🎙️ Narrated by Arthur Lane
✂️ Edited by Martin Gold
🎨 Graphic by Jordan Harvey
🖋️ Author: H.G. Wells
📅 First publication: Pearson's Magazine, 1896
📖 Genre: Science Fiction
🇺🇸 Language: English
🎧 Version: Unabridged, Full/Complete
📝 Subtitles included
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