An example of a simple but complete Eurorack system in 1 case - 2 voices, sequencing, mixing, FX and recording. A sequencer-driven, ultra-minimal performance.
This particular modular setup features almost a complete AJH Synth MiniMod voice (except the Glide + Noise module), plus the Ring SM (for sub-bases, mixing or ring mod), Chance Delay (for convenient manual randomness and gate delay/conversion), Tap Tempo VC-LFO (regular and random synced modulation), Sonic XV Diode Ladder Filter (in addition to the Minimoog-based Transistor Ladder Filter), and an extra VCA to facilitate a second voice.
With modular there are almost infinite possibilities to create a complete system within the restrictions of a single Eurorack case, and not necessarily with a huge amount of HP. Such a system would be great for gigging, or just reducing clutter, and there's only one mains plug!
Video by @DreamsOfWires
The AJH SYNTH Eurorack modular range consists of high-end modules, all hand-made in the UK, most of which are based on classic, vintage designs, authentically recreating the circuitry of much sought-after analogue instruments and technologies of the past, whilst greatly expanding them, and bringing them to modern Eurorack levels of convenience, limitless flexibility, and reliability.
Official website page:
Check out the AJH Synth playlists for module 'User Guides', and 'Patch of The Week' videos, which will be either performances or 'how to' guides, detailing functions/methods, and a range of sounds, some familiar, some less so, containing a patch sheet at the end to show you how to construct it for yourself.
More videos:
RadioPhonic Sound Examples:
The Sound of Analogue:
'Für Klaus' Schulze Tribute:
#eurorack #synths #modularsynth