Most of the tasks that are assigned to a small school machine NGF 110 can be solved without significant modifications to the machine itself. But there are cases when the part, together with the equipment (mainly a vise or a turntable), simply does not fit between the table and the spindle. It is these cases that will be discussed. Although the ease of placement of this part on the machine is also important, this may require a margin of free play. For quick change of inaccurate tools, for example, drills of different diameters when reaming, it is convenient to use a conventional drill chuck, and it also introduces height restrictions.
As a result, it was decided to move on to the first stage of increasing the vertical stroke of the console. The easiest option is to shorten the glass. This action does not require additional materials and non-standard tools, a simple lathe with a chuck with a diameter of 125mm is enough. The shortened glass is re-sharpened from the existing standard one. In this case, this is the TV-7M machine. Drilling the holes for the set screws is also not necessary to perform with a drilling and milling fixture for a lathe; you can get by with a conventional drill or screwdriver.
On this machine, by shortening the glass, it was possible to achieve an additional lowering of the console by 75 mm. On another machine, a different value may be obtained. In this case, even without lengthening the screw, there is no lack of lift. But if you do not have the same "sandwich" on the table, this can be critical. So before finalizing the glass, it is recommended to make all the necessary measurements.