This was a cheap inline USB remote control adapter that can be switched with the supplied 433MHz keyfob remote. But it turns out that it has other functionality, and with a small mod or the application of metal tweezers to short a pair of PCB pads, you can pair new remotes and change the function.
Here's a guide to programming in new remotes and functions.
When the two pads are bridged, the unit starts counting in a series of pulses on a blue LED that is normally hidden from view in the case. If you unbridge the contacts after the desired number of LED pulses then the unit can be put into programming mode by bridging the contacts again briefly and then pressing the chosen remote's buttons. For some unknown reason it needs the remote to be activated three times. For a remote with an on and off button you would press the on button once and then the off button twice. For single button remotes just press them three times.
Unlike other similar receivers the unit blinks out each mode number in sequence. one blink, pause, two blinks, pause, three blinks, pause etc. Here are the modes they represent:-
1 blink = Two button remote for on and off.
2 blinks = Single button momentary action. Output is only on while button on remote is pressed.
3 blinks = Single button toggle. Each press of the remote button toggles between on and off.
4 blinks = 10 second delay. One press of a remote button turns the output on for 10 seconds.
5 blinks = 60 second delay. As above, but for 1 minute.
6 blinks = 5 minute delay. As above but five minutes.
7 blinks = Clears all paired remotes.
Several different remotes can be paired to the receiver, but only with a single mode. For instance, you could pair several single channel wall buttons to toggle a light on and off.
If you just bridge the contacts briefly without waiting for the LED pulses it goes straight to two button on/off pairing mode.
I'd guess that the switching capability of this unit is around 2A based on it being standard USB-A. There are no data connections to negotiate a higher voltage.
Here's the AliExpress listing I bought it from (not a sponsor). If they have sold out, it should be easy to find similar listings.
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