► Description:
Hey guys! Welcome back to a further tutorial. My name is Daniel. In this video, we will learn together how to brake and stop with our "Inline-Skates". We will learn seven different techniques. This includes different techniques for all kinds of "Inline-Skates". Before we start learning, I will show you some clips of all the seven techniques.
For the "Heel-Stop", we need a brake block on our skates.
For normal street-skates, a brake block is a standard set-up.
For example, „Aggressive Skates" do not provide a brake block to stop. You have to use one of the next techniques to stop.
We will learn different techniques to brake and stop:
- Hell Stop (Heel-Stop // Heelstop)
- T-Stop (T Stop // TStop)
- Plow Stop // Plow-Stop
- Spread Eagle Spinout (Spread-Eagle-Spinout)
- Jump and Stop
- Wallstop (Wall Stop // Wall-Stop)
- Stairstop (Stair-Stop // Stairs Stop)
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Used Skates, Parts & Protectors:
(Most of the used items you'll find at my web store).
(Die meisten in diesem Video verwendeten Artikel, findest du auch in meinem Webshop).
► POWERSLIDE Metropolis 80mm
► MyFit Crown Liner
► POWERSLIDE Urban Brake
► POWERSLIDE Spinner Wheels 80mm / 85a
► POWERSLIDE Protection / Schoner:
► USD Carbon Free Boots
► Others
► G-Form Shin & Knee Pads:
► G-Form Elbow Pads:
Filmed By:
► Daniel Lott & Yvonne Schmidle
► GoPro Hero 4 Black
► Feiyu G5 3-Axis Splash-Proof Handheld Gimbal
Used Music:
► Intro:
ALBIS - Cameras
► Outro:
Kevin MacLeod - Basic Implosion
Basic Implosion von Kevin MacLeod ist unter der Lizenz Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) lizenziert.
Quelle: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100304
Interpret: http://incompetech.com/
► Others:
Kevin MacLeod - Aces High Funkorama
Aces High Funkorama von Kevin MacLeod ist unter der Lizenz Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) lizenziert.
Quelle: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100304
Interpret: http://incompetech.com/
► Inline Skating: How To Brake And Stop - 7 Ways - Without A Heel Brake - Fitness Inline Basics #02
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