It's been a year since I started streaming. Once again I had to borrow an SL1210 just like a year ago. Always a bit nervous when playing vinyl records but it really is like riding a bike; You just do it.
When it comes to mixing vinyl records, it's always about total surrender and later on in a set it becomes truly fun and once 'in the zone' I'm happy as can be. Although it's different when playing in a bright lit room all by yourself while also directing a live stream. But hey, that's the world we're in today and apart from the world being a TOTAL sh*t show I'm just happy I'm able to play and communicate with you fine people.
I'm not very happy with the image quality for this show's video. It's always a struggle being a one man show. I live and learn though. It'll be better next time I'm sure.
Make sure to join me, the Lemonettes and Sanctuarians every first Wednesday of the month at
Audio only version will be on
The Track List is in the comments.
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Much love, Stay sane!