00:00 - Intro
01:33 - Battles start
22:58 - Outro, SUBSCRIBE so I can play more Pokémon!
Today we are taking a look at a very strong team I recently used in the Open Great League featuring Defense Deoxys, Kanto Sandslash, and Greninja. Kanto Sandslash did the get the new move Scorching Sands this season and that really does help it out quite a bit. The cheaper ground type move makes it a lot less bait dependent and that helps it out in quite a few matchups.
Join us on Discord! It’s absolutely free: https://discord.gg/42nN7Cj6Mz
Submit battles here: https://forms.gle/jEM1xHCAMnkXKScRA
Submit your best battle for the "Top Wins of the Month" here: https://forms.gle/Y7J9gCXtxDKrxdB9A
Music by Megaraptor! Thank you to him for allowing me to use his music!
Songs in order of appearance:
1. Summer Wine
2. Halo Theme
3. Stranger Things Theme
4. Fairy Tail Theme
5. Rush E
6. Du Hast
Spotify playlist coming soon!
Credit to "Upklyak" for the background images in the thumbnail, designed by Freepik.com. https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/tornado-sand-whirlwind-dusty-twister-desert_21266884.htm#page=2&query=sandstorm&position=36&from_view=search&track=sph
Thank you again Nathan/RealTrackStar for his huge help in designing the channel logos.
A special thank you to my wife for her continued support!
#gbl #pokemongopvp #pokémongo #greatleague #sandslash #gblpokemongo #pokemongobattleleague #pvppokemongo #pokemongo #pokemon #pokémon #spice #topteams #deoxys #greninja