Welcome to my channel I have two boats. Our family boat the May Queen MQ and my own little punt the Ocean Harvester, OH for short. My small boat OH is Registered with the MMO and I am a First fish seller. I hope you enjoy my channel i love to fish in my boat the Ocean Harvester, which is an unpowered punt I use at Cawsand Beach in Cornwall. If you come down on weekends you can support me and buy my fresh catch. Nothing goes to waste, my fishing is sustainable and My Carbon footprint is low. We have to fish today for the future and look after our seas. I love to talk to the Children who come down, some of whom have never seen a real fish. This means sometimes my days are longer but I take pride in knowing the Children are happy i am a child myself too as I am only 12 years old. I am watched and supported by many and my safety is always the most important thing to me. Please do not try and do what I do it's very very dangerous.I also in the summer catch and tag sharks for NOAA and THE PAT SMITH DATABASE.I am learning to skipper and use the big boat more too.
My Facebook page is below i update it when im fishing.
My FB page https://www.facebook.com/ForgottenCornerFishandCrab
My Amazon wishlist