Where do florists buy their supplies??? From a florist supplies wholesaler! Come have a look at what they've got... it's rows and rows of floor to ceiling shelves.
Thankyou to Apack in Melbourne for letting me film: https://apack.net.au
Here are some different ways to support us!
🌟 Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/nobleflowers
🌟Buy Pay-it-forward-Flowers on our website and we will leave them on someones doorstep:
🌟Visit our store on Etsy:
🌟 Use our affiliate links to make your purchases on the following sites:
- Kogan: https://www.kogan.com/au/me/NobleFlowers/
(I'll add more as we grow)
🛒 Purchase Products Here:
Our favourite Tools & Equipment: https://www.kogan.com/au/me/NobleFlowers/
Link to shop: https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/NobleMerch2000
- Huge AO Wall Calendar to keep yourself organised
- Succulent Care Card to pop in with your succulent cutting gifts to friends.
If you purchase via affiliate links I will earn a small commission. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Thankyou so much if you use those links!!
🎥 If you are new here, we have heaps of videos!
Another Day on the farm: https://youtu.be/kYfDJt_E5xI
How to wrap a Flower Bouquet Bunch: https://youtu.be/Q-Zp0QZKFzs
To watch Season 1, check out this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tGVgU0o_vo&list=PLR9r1Jj80YVYETGxlZ3hnxvLExAnuBSQA
To watch Season 2, head to this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNxgp0iTd4A&list=PLR9r1Jj80YVbMo-3E1S4eiriEn2__-lFc
To watch our current season, head here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkjEslIy9Qo&list=PLR9r1Jj80YVbBOmqGtTtwggqrTQzENlJn
All information is relevant at the time of Publishing this video. Details may change over time. Please contact me if you would like to note changes.
Location: Near Yackandandah, Victoria, Australia 🇦🇺
EMAIL: [email protected]
WEBSITE: www.nobleflowers.com.au
Instagram: nobleflowersaustralia https://www.instagram.com/nobleflowersaustralia/
Facebook: Noble Flowers
Pinterest: Noble Flowers
Photography and Video: Noble Photographic www.noblephotographic.com.au
Facebook & Instagram = Noble Photographic