Today, AD is welcomed by Hindi Film superstar Sonam Kapoor Ahuja to tour her stunning home in Mumbai. Through traditional artwork, patterns, and rich textures, the actress has created a maximalist Indian fantasy making it hard to believe her home resides in a modern new build. Kapoor’s meticulous heartfelt design has filled her home with soul and character with something beautiful to look at everywhere you turn.
See more of Sonam Kapoor's home here:
Shop pieces inspired by the Bollywood star’s Mumbai home:
00:00 Intro
00:17 Office
01:15 Living Room
02:40 Dining Area
03:48 Kitchen
04:42 Stairway
05:14 Guest Bedroom
05:50 Nursery
06:50 Primary Bedroom
07:28 Outro
Wall murals by Vikas Soni @vikkasotheartist
Chanderi silk 'anarkali' with 'churidar' sleeves, Rohit Bal @rohitbalofficial
'Peacock' silver earrings, Antique silver bracelets, and Silver rings ;all Amrapali Jewels @amrapalijewels
Multistrap ballerina, Roger Vivier @rogervivier
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