First time at Inspiration in my Life, and so many great moments.
once again congrats to Rin san and his crew that opening this amazing event in Tokyo Finally.
as i know Rin was planning to open this event few years ago but unfortunately it got delayed coz of Covid.
so guess this time Inspiration means more to the team Inspiration and all the dealers and the fans.
We the Team Korea were the first team to get to the Venue,
i know Rin san told me and everyone please come later, but i guess we were all excited to be there and also to prepare better.
again it was absolutely crazy day, i mean Great crazy of course.
looking back the Inspiration, now i realize little more what kinda event Rin is trying to make and provide and i have no right word for it.
it was just amazing how everyone gathered together.
thank you so much for everyone who came to the event and also came to my booth to see me and my Collection.
I'm sure everyone who were there, we all had great time and amazing moments.
Enjoy the playlist.
and hope we all Bondez and Squanch somewhere.
special thanks to Rin san once again. if there is chance i would love to sign up soon again in the future Inspiration.
and thank you my Team Korea. it was Fantastic idea that we went to the Inspiration all together, i means a lot to me and hope that we could Squanch all together soon in the future. love you guys.
and thank you to my brother "Malle friend" for editing this amazing video.