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బాధపడ్డ గుండెకే తెలుస్తుంది నొప్పి విలువ ! | Inspiring Story | Anusha Vinayatha | Josh Talks Telugu

జోష్ Talks 727,116 6 years ago
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నీకు ఏ పనీ చేతకాదు... నువ్వొక పెద్ద failureవి. ఇవి మన జీవితంలో మనం తరుచుగా వినే మాటలు. చాలా మంది ఇలాంటి మాటలు విని ఎంతో బాధపడుతుంటారు అలాగే కృంగిపోతుంటారు. అచ్చు అలాగే అనుష వినయత గారు కూడా ఎంతో బాధపడ్డారు, చివరికి ఆత్మహత్య కూడా చేసుకుందాం అనుకున్నారు. కానీ ఆవిడకు అర్ధమయ్యింది ఏమిటంటే కష్టం వస్తే చనిపోవటం కాదు. failures కలిగినప్పుడు ఆగిపోవటం కాదు. ఆ failures అన్నింటికీ ఎదురు నిలబడి ఒక successful వ్యక్తిగా నిలబడి తనని తాను నిరూపించుకున్నారు. ఇవాళ ఆవిడ ఒక గొప్ప motivational speaker మరియు educational counsellor కూడాను. అనుష గారి జీవిత పాఠాలు మనందరికీ స్ఫూర్తిద్యయకం. The education system should be uplifting students' abilities and make their future bright. Unfortunately, many students are becoming victims of the same educational system because there is no proper evaluation of a child's ability or the problems faced by him or her while learning. Anusha Vinyata’s story is similar to this scenario. She was a dyslexic child and had so much struggle in her education. Nobody understood her problem, her childhood has become a struggle story filled with negative thoughts and failures. But she always tried to stick to a positive attitude. She wanted to overcome those negative thoughts whenever she faced failures. Shockingly she only knew that she suffered from dyslexia after she watched Taare Zameen par. She was not disappointed she had researched and came to know that many other successful people like Steve Jobs and Edison also had dyslexia. She didn't let her confidence down and she wanted to overcome her disability. She thought that she could turn her negative into positive by being a school counselor and help kids who are suffering from similar conditions. She tried applying for a counselor job but she got rejected so many times. She suffered from depression due to her failures. But she tried to divert herself by learning sailing. It is the place where she learned a life-changing lesson. When she was part of a rescue drill she survived only because of her skill. She understood that to succeed one needs to have a skill and focus on a goal. If the going gets tough one shouldn't give up but one should upgrade his skills. After that incident, she enrolled herself in a course to make herself a qualified counselor. During her course, she learned her second life-changing lesson. During one of her classes, she was doing a mock counseling session, at that time her teacher interrupted her to test her self-confidence. It is then she learns about the importance of self-confidence and the negative impact of self-doubt. She motivated herself from that day. She became a successful counselor. She was invited by the same schools that rejected and mocked her to give sessions. She tells us that her story became a success story only because of her positive thinking and she also teaches a positive visualization technique in Telugu to develop a positive attitude and positive thinking to achieve success in life. She shared her inspiring story through the Josh Talks Telugu platform. Her story is a real motivation to all Andhra Pradesh and Telangana people. Josh Talks passionately believes that a well-told story has the power to reshape attitudes, lives, and ultimately, the world. We are on a mission to find and showcase the best motivational stories from across India through documented videos and live events held all over the country. What started as a simple conference is now a fast-growing media platform that covers the most innovative rags to riches success stories with speakers from every conceivable background, including entrepreneurship, women’s rights, public policy, sports, entertainment, and social initiatives. With 8 regional languages in our ambit, our stories and speakers echo one desire: to inspire action. Our goal is to unlock the potential of passionate young Indians from rural and urban areas by inspiring them to overcome the setbacks they face in their career and helping them discover their true calling in life. #TeluguMotivation #InspiringStory #JoshTalksTelugu
