✔️ Blocked from upgrading to Windows 11 by the TPM 2 or CPU requirements? There may be a way. ✔️ Install Windows 11 without TPM 2 There are, of course, risks, but as long as your PC meets the other Windows 11requirements, you can bypass the TPM 2.0 and CPU requirements with a simple registry setting: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Setup\MoSetup – AllowUpgradesWithUnsupportedTPMOrCPU=1 Updates, related links, and more discussion: https://askleo.com/158756 🔔 Subscribe to the Ask Leo! YouTube channel for more tech videos & answers: https://go.askleo.com/ytsub ✅ Watch next ▶ Should I Update to Windows 11? ▶ https://youtu.be/QvBxKHcRhS4 Chapters 0:00 Windows 11 Without a TPM 1:00 Bypassing setup requirements 1:50 Risks 4:30 The registry modification 7:00 Download and run a .reg file ❤️ My best articles: https://go.askleo.com/best ❤️ My Most Important Article: https://go.askleo.com/number1 More Ask Leo! ☑️ https://askleo.com to get your questions answered ☑️ https://newsletter.askleo.com to subscribe to the Confident Computing newsletter. ☑️ https://askleo.com/patron to help support Ask Leo! ☑️ https://askleo.com/all-the-different-ways-to-get-ask-leo/ for even more! #askleo #tpm #windows11