In this segment of "Strange Sensations" related to the neck, Ross Hauser, MD discusses vertigo and the continuum of symptoms that include tinnitus and lightheadedness, among others. While sometimes the symptoms can have a straightforward cause and simple fix, other times there is a structural component in the neck which needs to be addressed in order for the patient to have hope of resolving the disabling effects of vertigo.
The device he uses about midway through the video is called a Eustachi.
If you are having difficulty obtaining a diagnosis or a doctor to take a comprehensive look at your case and would like our team to review your case to see if you may be an appropriate case for our neck center, you can reach out to our team about the process to review your case:
Caring Medical Florida is located in Fort Myers, Florida in the US. We treat patients who travel to our center from all around the globe, however, we do not treat all cases. If you are looking for our team to review your case and possibly see you in our center, you can contact us through or call us at 239-308-4773.
*Please understand that we cannot give specific outside referrals or online medical recommendations.
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**DISCLAIMER: As with any medical treatment, no guarantees or claims of cures are made as to the extent of the response to treatment that every person experiences. Every therapy/treatment has patients who experience varying levels of success and failure. Results may not be the same from patient to patient, even with a similar diagnosis, as the body’s internal status is unique to each individual.