01:02:12-Verse 01
sarvavedāntasiddhāntagocaraṃ tamagocaram |
govindaṃ paramānandaṃ sadguruṃ praṇato'smyaham || 1 ||
Humans possess the unique ability to discern between the temporal world and the eternal Truth, which is the foundation of spiritual seeking. Sri Adi Shankaracharya's "Vivekachoodamani," or "The Crest-Jewel of Discrimination," guides seekers in this subtle discernment, leading to dispassion towards worldly desires.
Chinmaya International Foundation and Chinmaya Mission Mattancherry present online discourses on "Vivekachoodamani" with Br. Ved Chaitanya, a dedicated student of Vedanta and Sanskrit, who emphasizes applying Vedanta in daily life.
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