Living With Civilisations: Reflections on Southeast Asia’s Local and National Cultures by Professor Wang Gungwu
The Southeast Asian region is home to a set of diverse local cultures and distinct local identities. In this lecture series, Professor Wang will look at how the cultures of our region interacted with civilisations, and how these civilisations shaped local identities and cultures in the process. Being at the centre of Southeast Asia, Singapore’s national identity has also been moulded by great ancient civilisations. From the rise of global maritime trade to Singapore’s role as a port under the British empire, the country has come into contact with many civilisations that empowered its development. Understanding the history of Singapore from this perspective will give us insight to how the country’s modern identity is being shaped and enable us to better understand our region’s place in the modern world order.
Cultures and Civilisations
The terms “culture” and “civilisation” are often used, but not often clearly understood. This first lecture of the series will begin by setting out the crucial differences between the two. It will then analyse the influence of nearby great civilisations on Southeast Asia, as well as the development of the wide range of cultures in the region. How have Singapore and its neighbours been influenced by the Indic, Sinic and Islamic civilisations? What led to the development of such distinct cultures in the region, and how did they remain distinct from one another in spite of their shared influences? How can Singapore benefit from the understanding of these ancient civilisations and cultures and their effect on the region?
1:30 min
Mr Janadas Devan
Institute of Policy Studies
5:20 min
Lecture by
Professor Wang Gungwu
12th S R Nathan Fellow for the Study of Singapore
1:09:19 min
Question-and-Answer Session moderated by
Professor Kwok Kian Woon
University of the Arts Singapore
Date: 22 November 2022
Time: 04.00 pm - 05.30 pm
To find out more about the event
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