🎬Walk into the enchanting world of "IRAVANAI THANDHA IRAIVIYE " Presented by Tick Entertainment, written and directed by Nitiz Maz, a captivating web series, documenting the love story of a YouTube couple, brimming with affection, humor, and heartfelt emotions. V J Annamallai, the dynamic actor from Vijay Television and celebrated youth icon of Coimbatore, is Known for his magnetic presence in over 700+ V J shows, as he brings his charm to this unforgettable tale. Paired with the talented Aarthi Subash, a social media influencer, actress, and model, known for her stellar debut in the ' Pandavar Illam', this series promises a rollercoaster of emotions. Hop into their journey filled with love, laughter, and relatable moments.
Don't miss out-watch now.
#iraivanaithandhairaiviye #tamilseries #episode1 #tamilcinema #lovestory #youtubecouples #tickentertainment #vjannamallai #aarthisubash #webseries #webseriesintamil
Written & Directed
Supporting Artist :
@Jgkamalgeetha @kmkkailash | @jayakumar0498
Dop :
Music :
Editing & Publicity design :
DI : @kirubaraj_prince
SfX & Mix : @sempre_solo1
Art : @M.s.sudhakar2017
Sound Engineer : @vini_kumar
Costume Designer
Make Up
AD @don.aravindh
Associate Camera Man
Executive producer @bothanraj
Produced By @abhishek.prakash1
Music Director : @jeyaseelan.raja
Singers : @rajee_raghavan, @jcjoe_jc
Music composed,arranged and mixed by JEY
Music programmer : Vamsi Krishnan R, @sam_son_joe
Vocal production & additional programming : @ __vignesh_raja
Vocals recorded @ BLU Records
Music mixed @shameshanwavebox,chennai
Costume sponsors
Thanks to @mgcviscom | @bro.thom31 | @imax.hospital