Hello Everyone,
IRREGULAR PERIODS is very commonly seen now a days.
And most of the time it is considered as normal and common thing, which actually is not.
In this video we will discuss about 4 SEEDS which work wonderfully on IRREGULAR PERIODS.
Through this video, we will be providing you correct information about...
🔴 Which are those seeds?
🔴Who should eat them?
🔴Who should avoid them?
🔴How those seeds should be eaten?
🔴When and how much these seeds should be eaten?
All information is in Hindi.
#Irregularperiods, #seedcycling, #infertility,
🔔Hello Everyone, this is Dr Mrunalini Manoj, और आप हमारे साथ जुडे है, Because Health Is Here...💕
I am an EMBRYOLOGIST (Test Tube Baby Maker) और हम आपके साथ videos share करते है,जिसमे होती है जानकारी "FERTILITY" Related.💕
We Share
✅Female Health
✅Male Health
✅Menstrual Health &
✅ Pregnancy related Videos.(Couple goals)
🔔Every Female whose periods are irregular, should know all information in detail.
ईस video मे हम देखेंगे...
01:40 :- 1)Which are those seeds?
02:20 :- 2) When you should eat those seeds?
03:05 :- 3)What is seed cycling?
03:30 :- 4)Who can eat those seeds on regular basis?
06:25 :- 5) Who should avoid seed cycling?
09:30 :- 6) How these seeds should be handled?
10:24 :- 7) When can you take these seeds?
13:55 :-. 8) What is dose for these seeds?
🔔Hope you will like the video, and get correct information about "How to use SEED CYCLING to treat irregular periods?" 👍🏻
🔔Please SUBSCRIBE for more informative videos.💕
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मिलते है अगले video 🎥 PCOD / PCOS कि अगली जानकारी के साथ (Part -2) मे, तब तक अपना खयाल रखे,स्वस्थ रहे और हमारे साथ जुडे रहीये Because Health Is Here...👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻💕