Hey Birbsquad! In today's video I'm going to discuss if a green cheek conure parakeet is the right beginner parrot for different types of lifestyles. Whether a green cheek conure is the right bird for you is not always a black or white answer. What would be a great beginner parrot for some may be a horrible beginner parrot for others. This is why in this video, I talk more so about the different lifestyles people have and see if a green cheek conure would be suitable for that specific way of living. I wanted to do this in hopes to give some of those a little direction when they are trying to decide if a green cheek conure would be a good beginner parrot for them.
If there is a certain lifestyle that I didn't cover in this video, please let me know in the comments and I'll try my best to help out and give some options :) Green cheek conures can be the absolute best beginner parrot for you but..... gotta make sure they fit your lifestyle! Play a little matchmaking if you know what I mean ;)
Parrot Kit (must haves!) https://kit.co/victoriryann/parrot-kit
Youtube Kit https://kit.co/victoriryann/youtube-kit
Streaming Kit https://kit.co/victoriryann/streaming-kit
Necessities of Life Kit (random life changing stuff man!!) https://kit.co/victoriryann/necessities-of-life
Arm The Animals - victoriaryann
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How To STOP Quaker Parrot Biting FOR GOOD!!!! Parrots Biting You Is Not Normal.
The Worst Green Cheek Conure Bite I Have EVER Had
How To Discipline A Green Cheek Conure and STOP Them From Acting Like Jerks
How To Tame and Earn The Trust From A Green Cheek Conure or Other Scared Parrot
*Disclaimer: All opinions in today's video are my own! I will always state when a video is sponsored and when I partner with a brand. I do earn a small commission when my code and some links are used. Thank you for your support!
See ya in the next one BirbSquad :D beginner parrots, parrots for beginners, green cheek conure, quaker parrot, birbsquad, victoriryann #birbsquad