The Israel-Gaza war has got many people talking again about the need for a two-state solution. It’s often presented as the only option to bring lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians. But what is the two-state solution? Is it actually possible? And why are some people talking about a “one-state solution” instead? #AJStartHere with Sandra Gathmann explains.
01:00 - What is a two-state solution?
02:34 - The Balfour Declaration and its implications
03:05 - The British proposal to partition historic Palestine in 1937
03:30 - The proposed UN partition plan in 1947
04:05 - What happened in the 1948 war
04:40 - The Green Line and the 1967 war
05:55 - How Yasser Arafat recognised Israel in 1988
06:30 - The Oslo Accords and how they didn’t promise a Palestinian state
09:05 - Israeli and Palestinian opposition to the peace process
11:20 - The Second Intifada
12:00 - Attempts to keep the peace process going after Oslo
12:40 - Major obstacles to the peace process - settlements
13:39 - Major obstacles to the peace process - Israeli politics
14:09 - Major obstacles to the peace process - Palestinian politics
16:35 - Why October 7th has got people talking again about the two-state solution.
18:53 - Is all the talking about a two-state solution part of the problem?
19:18 - Why some people argue for a one-state solution
This episode features:
Diana Buttu - Palestinian lawyer & analyst; legal advisor to the PLO negotiating team 2000-2005.
Nathan Brown - Professor of political science, George Washington University
Gideon Levy - Israeli journalist & author
Mouin Rabbani - Co-editor, Jadaliyya
Rami Khouri - Distinguished fellow, American University of Beirut
#Palestine #Israel #Gaza #GazaWar #OccupiedWestBank #OccupiedEastJerusalem #PalestinianState #TwoStateSolution #PalestinianAuthority
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