Are you getting enough Calcium from food? Should you start taking calcium tablets? Do calcium tablets cause kidney stones? Get the answers in this Malayalam video where Dr. Prasoon also talks about calcium deficiency, the best type of calcium tablets, symptoms and problems of high calcium levels, and the role of calcium in pregnancy.
#CalciumTablets #CalciumSupplements #CalciumDeficiency #CalciumFood #Malayalam #KidneyStone
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Calcium and Vitamin D are like friends who work together. Learn more here (Malayalam) -
Calcium channel blockers are medicines used to treat high blood pressure (Malayalam) -
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Here is the video timestamp:
0:00 Intro
0:25 Calcium & Kidney Stone
2:40 What is Calcium?
3:56 Calcium tablets
4:43 Calcium regulating hormones & vitamins
5:49 Calcium-rich food
8:22 Calcium Daily Requirement
9:15 Calcium blood & urine test
10:16 Calcium deficiency (hypocalcemia)
11:00 Symptoms of low calcium
11:47 Causes of Calcium deficiency
14:00 High calcium (hypercalcemia)
15:15 Calcium tablets for pregnancy
15:51 Who should avoid Calcium tablets?
16:10 Outro
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