In this video, I'm going to bust the myth that bagpipes are the hardest instrument to learn!!! Whenever people say to me, "wow, it must be so hard to learn to play the bagpipes," I always say, "Nonsense! Out of half a dozen or more instruments, bagpipes have been by far the easiest to learn!"
Here are 4 reasons why I found it easier to learn the bagpipes, (not including the fact that I learned the bagpipes when I was 9 years old, whereas most of my other instruments I have struggled to learn as an adult).
1. There are only 9 holes, and no extra keys, buttons, or frets.
2. There is only one active (plus 1 note).
3. For the most part, playing the melody focuses on one hand or the other, not both.
3. There is lots of repetition.
What are you waiting for? Go out and buy a bagpipe practice chanter! Find that one your wife and kids gave you as a present. Yes, I'm talking about the chanter that came with that stupid book that was both boring AND hard. (I have never managed to learn an instrument from a "step-by-step" book!!)
I learn best (and have the most fun) learning instruments by starting to play songs. Real tunes ASAP Please!!! That's why in this video I teach you the simple tune "Hot Cross Buns". You'll be able to play C, B, and low A notes. On top of that, you'll have triplets, B strikes, and low A strikes nailed down too!
Here's the link for my free 3 step method to Get Bagpipe Ready!
Join my free Facebook group to get more support!
Skip the boring chanter exercises and start learning fun tunes in my bagpipe learning portal!